Loved by users.Loathed by fraudsters.

trueID uses informed AI to deliver identity verification as it should be.

End-to-End ID and Identity Verification Solutions

Convert more customers with an award-winning UX.

Convert more customers faster and dramatically reduce abandonment rates with automated, highly accurate and user-friendly identity verification solutions.

Catch more fraud with advanced biometric-based verification.

Stop fraudsters from the start, and keep them out, with solutions that get to the ground truth of real-world identity

What Makes trueID Different?

Fast + Accurate Verifications

No more sacrifices. trueID continually improves verification speed so you can onboard more customers while enjoying the industry’s highest accuracy rates.


Know your customers, no matter where they are. trueID supports more than 3,500 ID types across 200 countries and territories.

More Secure Authentication

Replace outdated KBA and SMS-based 2FA with a biometric-based approach that exceeds industry standards for strong customer authentication.

Award-Winning Identity Verification Technology

With TrueID’s industry-leading technologies, you’ll turn good people into good customers faster than ever and rest assured your customers are who they claim to be.

Trusted with over 25 million identity verifications worldwide.

“As Mandiri continues to grow and pursue new market segments, we know that trueID will scale with our business and continue to provide an essential service — helping Mandiri create the best-possible experience for our banking customers while fighting financial crime.”

Battam Bin Mohamad Kontol, Risk Management Mandiri Bank

Get Started

Let a trueID expert show you how easy it can be to integrate our suite of verification solutions into your onboarding process, whether it be within your app or on your website. Request more information here and we’ll be in touch shortly.